Tuesday, March 15, 2011

NYC #5

Today was a better pace than yesterday, we helped out at More Grace Redemption Center in the food pantry section. When we arrived we were put right to work with no introduction, so it was kind of difficult to know what we were supposed to do. It was kind of akward with the people who were in charge because whenever we asked them questions they ignored us, hopefully this was because they were busy, in the last 30 minutes we were there they finally opened up to us.

On our way back to YSOP we stopped on Wall Street, we went to the see the bull and ended up getting our photo taken that was going to be published in an annual report. We were really excited to become famous but were rushed back to YSOP because we didn't want everybody to be waiting for us, which was a total bust because one group was almost an hour late and we had to listen to a veeeeeerrrrry long winded speaker. It sucked. After leaving YSOP we stopped at a hot dog vendor because everybody was starving...and because I was dying for another hot dog, for only $1 who could say no?

Indian restaurant in the East Village tonight and maybe Central Park again, with a different group of people this time.