Monday, December 20, 2010

bonafide bitch with it

You know that game called "Would You Rather?" where you have to choose which you would prefer when presented two very unappealing scenarios? Well I have one here:

Would you rather...

1) Suffer from cold sores, (unsightly scabby, crusty, bumps) on your lips and face every few months that last about a week, people never fail to notice and leave scars...


2) Suffer from axillary hyperhydrosis, (sweating excessively) everyday of your life, (this includes large wet marks in the pits of your shirts, deodorant stains on shirts and smelling like an eighth grade boy fresh out of gym class, and a constant wet feeling in the pits of your shirts that you never get used to and people never fail to notice either).

How lucky am I that I don't have to choose? How lucky am I that I was born with both these ailments? How lucky am I that neither of these problems have a known cure?


I am currently far too pissed off to think about the good things in my life that could out-weigh these two catastrophes, perhaps tomorrow I will have a more thankful post, until then I hate my body and its problems.