Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Getting excited for Halloween!

Last year Gooseberry Banana and I went as Thing 1 and Thing 2, cosa uno y cosa dos it was a spur of the moment decision and thank goodness I am not the only person willing to put on a spandex unitard! I love love love couple/partner/team/group costumes, that being said, this is what I want to be for Halloween this year.
I have wanted to be Marilyn forever, I almost was 2 years ago but went as a beer maid instead. I have no regrets. Anyway, since I love group efforts for costumes, I have enlisted Gooseberry and her man to make my dreams come true. If Dewberry were going to be here I would have insisted that he be James Dean.
I realize that it is not Jackie in the photo but Katie Holmes, all I really cared about was getting a full shot of the outfit and that's hard to find on the real Jackie.
I am currently watching "My Week with Marilyn" to help myself get into character for the big day.