Friday, September 30, 2011


Dewberry and I just got back from seeing 50/50, it's a movie about a young man with cancer staring Joseph Gordon Levitt. During the movie his girlfriend cheats on him. I cried during the sad parts. After the movie was done and we were driving home, still slightly teary eyed, and I said I didn't like the girl who played the girl friend and didn't find her attractive (during the movie it is stated that she is hot and I disagree) so after I say that I didn't like her or think she was attractive (still teary eyed) Dewberry says "Really? Maybe it was just her smile, she had a nice smile". (Even more teary eyed) Dewberry then proceeded to apologize for taking me to a movie that makes me cry, he didn't realize that 50% of the reason I was crying was indeed because of the movie, but the other 50% of the reason I was crying was because he has never complimented my smile.

Friday, September 16, 2011

ice ice baby

I need this

take this down smee

Big boobs and strapless dresses do NOT mix. I REPEAT: Big boobs and strapless dresses do NOT mix.

brother story #2 & #3

Before I tell stories 2 and 3 I should clarify that my brother is not a cross dresser, he just had some issues with names for clothing, having 3 older sisters I think he just assumed that everything was a dress.

#2 - First day of school 1994
My sister and I were in my parents room showing my mom our matching dresses we planned to wear to school that day, in come my brother (not yet old enough to attend school)

My mom says "don't the girls look so pretty in their dresses?"
His reply "where's my dress?"

#3 - Time frame unknown
My sister had a cat named Susie B (Suzie B?), she got a smidgen of poop on my brother some how, he came storming into the house, holding onto the bottom hem of his shirt and exclaimed:

"Jen, look what Susie B did to my dress!"

He has no idea how much this still makes me laugh

no excuse

As stated in a previous post, dewberry got himself a job, what was not stated is that as part of this job he has to go away to job sites for 7-12 months at a time. Since he will be going away I suggested that we go somewhere, just the 2 of us, before he leaves, sort of a mini vacation. Because I'm a brat I'm not going to mention this to him again and see if he takes the initiative to plan something, if he doesn't, I have every intention of being mad at him.

I know this seems petty, but I did just say: I'm a brat

Thursday, September 15, 2011

stupid statement #2

The following is a statement my friend made after she was invited to hang out with me, dewberry, kiwi oil palm and her boyfriend

"No, because then I'll feel like a 4th wheel"

brother story #1

My dad used to get very creative with toys for my siblings and me when we were younger

My younger brother had a blue banana seat bike, something happened to the back end where it was no longer in proper working condition, rather than tossing the bike and getting a new one, my dad cut the majority of the bike so all that was left were the handle bars and the front tire

He ran this handle bar tire deal around the yard for weeks, all the while making his "dirt bike" noise

Sunday, September 11, 2011

stupid statement #1

The following is a story told by a classmate when I was in elementary school:

"One time I had a grapefruit and it was so bitter my mom had to put more sugar on it"

in a nut shell

whiskey shots
slept in a bathroom on  a ledge above a bathtub
lost my belt
followed a trail of garlic powder
peed in a bird bath
walked into a room to see dewberry bare ass on a couch
danced my face off
i'm a terrible wing man

Saturday, September 10, 2011

GroVia - 2

I need to get a life

Friday, September 9, 2011

xy or xx

Lady finger Key lime has yet to expel her baby, thus I don't know if it's a boy or girl...


Dewberry got a job, a real one

buzz kill

I wish I wasn't such an out of control drunk, a few people always get concerned whenever I start to get a little too thirsty. When someone wants to get smashed, I just let them do it in hopes that they will return the favor in the future.

Saturday, September 3, 2011



As mentioned, Lady finger Key lime is having a baby. Not previously mentioned, she wants to do cloth diapers. I took it upon myself to purchase said diapers as a gift, here is the list of things I have purchased:

6 Grovia diaper shells
12 prefold cloth diapers
15 Grovia snap-in inserts (pretty much the same thing as a prefold, just better?)
5 Grovia boosters (pad that goes in the diaper when extra absorbency is needed like night time)
1 large wet bag (bag for dirty diapers to go in)
1 small wet bag (for out and about)
Grovia Magic Stick (for diaper rash I think, can't use regular stuff with cloth diapers)
Charlie's detergent

This is what I actually physically have

tiny handcuff - part 2

i feel like i should clarify my previous post, it's not like i "can't fucking wait to be married"'s more like "i can't fucking wait to have a diamond ring"

that is all

Friday, September 2, 2011

tiny handcuff

i can't fucking wait to have a left hand ring