Wednesday, March 9, 2011

getting excited for spring break #3

My junior year I went to Aurora, Illinois to work in a homeless shelter called Hesed House. Hesed is Hebrew and roughly translates to "unconditional love", and that's exactly what I saw that week while in Aurora. Hesed opens its doors to everybody, and will not turn anybody away (unless they've demonstrated dangerous behavior). Hesed House had different sections throughtout, there was PADS, Public Action to Deliver Shelter, TLC, Transitional Living Community and a food pantry. Everybody at Hesed House works so hard to provide for their guests in PADS and to help guests in TLC get back on their feet and out on their own. Seeing the compassion on a daily basis the week we spent there was beyond inspiring. It was like "hey, good does exist in this world".
Below is a photo of our group making dinner in the TLC section of Hesed House, I really hope I make it back there some day.