Saturday, January 7, 2012

Beauty and the Review: Dry Shampoo #1

What: Dry Shampoo
Brand: Suave
Application: Aerosol spray (OK I know it's not really aerosol but I don't know how else to describe it), spray at roots all over scalp, rub in
Effectiveness: Hides dirty, greasy hair very well, I'm a believer
Longevity: Lasts as long as I've ever needed it to, which has been all day (by all day I do not mean a 24 hour period)
Positives: As I said, the Suave dry shampoo hides greasy hair very well, it also adds volume which is hard to come by on a day of not washing hair. I've used it up to 2 days after shampooing and it works just as well on day 2 of not shampooing as it does on day 1 of not shampooing.
Negatives: The smell reminds me somewhat of pineapple, I have a very sensitive olfactory nerve, therefore it is slightly nauseating during and shortly after application. Also, the powder (that's the form in which it sprays out of the can) can lighten your hair where you apply it, this may prove to be a problem for darker hair, I've noticed this right after applying but it does not seem to be a lasting thing, again, may vary for darker hair. Final thing, hair isn't as soft after using, it becomes slightly stiff, but I don't really consider this a negative but it seem more appropriate to put it under negatives.
In a nut shell: Negatives are not a big deal, you need this