Monday, February 6, 2012

Gimme 5

The topic of discussion is my Top 5 Favorite Movie Scenes, first and foremost, no movies before or during Disney Renaissance will be included as Disney kicks ass in every way so it would just not be fair. Second, if you don't know what Disney Renaissance is click here: note, I love movies and love to quote them, I'm convinced there is at least one line from each of the movies that I love that applies to my life at one point or another. Fourth, the list:

5) Chicago (2002): Cell Block Tango
Love the whole thing, Catherine Zeta Jones is my favorite by far, and Mia I could do with out

4)Troy (2004): Achilles Saves Briseis
I couldn't find a video for this scenario, but my favorite part of the scene is actually a look on his face with this picture pretty much captures, this look of pure passionate determination combined with the pulsing pounding music as Achilles finally spots Briseis in the burning city is TRULY FANTASTIC.

3)Across the Universe (2007): Hold Me Tight
I absolutely fell in love with Jim Sturgis when he rubs noses with his girlfriend in this scene (1:24 in this video)

2) Titanic (1997): You're So Stupid Rose!
What I wouldn't give to have Leo grab my face and kiss it so fiercely while telling me how stupid I am for jumping out of the life boat to get to him, 2:50 is when the magic begins

1) Back to the Future (1985): George and Lorraine's first kiss
I can't even explain how this scene affects (effects?) me, I get chills, goosebumps, sometimes it puts tears in my eyes, I am a huge fan of the Back to the Future Trilogy so this could by why I am so effected (affected?) by this truly epic moment