Friday, March 23, 2012

Summer(fest) of 69

I've been hit with an unshakable wave of nostalgia, this photo is from a weekend when Sweet sop Passion fruit, Gooseberry Banana and I drove down to Milwaukee for Summer Fest and Kumquat Desert Fig's birthday.
The first night we went down to the musical festivities I have a notorious habit for getting absolutely belligerently shit faced when I go to Milwaukee, and that weekend was no exception, although I didn't get hang overs then so it wasn't an issue like it is now.
The second day, Saturday we went up to Kumquat's cottage and spent the day on the water, we were rebels and took the boat out even though we were specifically instructed to leave her docked, our nautical urges couldn't be denied or shaken. We peeled corn on a questionable dock and used matches for birthday cake candles, everybody got too drunk again, we had numerous hilarious quotes and "that's what she said moments". That was the first summer I had a group of girl friends and I felt so lucky to have them.
The third day I went home because I had to work the following Monday, Sweet sop and Gooseberry stayed down there for another night of debauchery and to this day I believe I missed out on what was yet another fantastic evening. I wish I could make a slide show of all the photos from that weekend, well let's face it I could because I make a mean slide show, I just don't think anybody would care to actually watch it.