Saturday, September 22, 2012

brother story #4

I need to get a name for my brother on here, because it would be nice for him to have one. I have decided he will be Jackberry Cocoa bean, I like that.

To continue with the dress trend that has taken place in my other brother story posts...Vanilla Cocoa bean and I used to dress up my brother as a girl. We named him Jessie, we made my mom video tape us presenting him, I mean, her, to the world. This presentation included my sister and I holding up her crotcheted blanket, (its name was Sweaty) like a curtain, a proclaiming like town criers: "Ladies and gentlement, meet Jessie!". We then dropped the blanket dramatically and Jackberry ran forward wearing my sisters pageant dress and our clip on earrings from the game Pretty Pretty Princess. I should try to find a picture.