Saturday, January 15, 2011

shopping list that no longer exists

When you first move away from home for your first year of college you think you can buy and eat whatever you want, everything your parents would never buy, which is true. You have a meal plan so you can eat whatever you want for breakfast, lunch and dinner in the cafeteria, and the extra food you keep in your dorm for snacking is all the really good stuff. Things like Little Debbie Snacks, chips, pop tarts, ice cream sandwiches and chocolate milk. Then, after you've been away from home for say oh, 2 years, you realize why your parents didn't buy it for you when you lived at home. Shit's expensive.

When I moved out of the dorms and into a house when I was 20, I had to actually start buying groceries, not just snack food. Bread, milk and rice take precedence over anything delicious, I have not purchased anything that is wonderful in a very long time. I miss the following items:

oatmeal cream pies
little chocolate donuts
cosmic brownies
Pillsbury cinnamon rolls
toll house cookie dough
fig newtons
chips of any variations (i do indulge on occasion but it is not enough)
ice creammicrowave popcorn

fruit snacks (GUSHERS!)